Crystal Crandall

Crystal Crandall

I grew up mostly in Hawaii, but have spent many years in various locations including South Korea and Alaska. I started to pick up coding back in high school when Myspace was a rampant thing. I assisted my friends and even my big sister in properly setting up their pages and made my own styles.

If it's not coding I'm usually spending my time with family and friends, including my four legged "son" as I call him.

I took up the main portion of the javascript and api calls for this site.

James Lee

James Lee

I was born and raised in Indian Trail, North Carolina. I moved a lot when I was younger. I used to live in Raleigh and Colorado. I don't really have any prior knowledge on coding except a class in high school and the prework.

What I enjoy outside of coding is hanging out with friends and playing video games.

I helped with the HTML and CSS.

Jesse Ziros

Jesse Ziros

I am currently working as a automotive technician. I found my way to coding through my pursuit of a better life for me and my family. One day I had called my Uncle, who is an executive producer for CNN's show 48 hours, and talked to him about what he had done to get to where he is at. After our conversation I started to do some research into well paying white collar careers, and so was my Uncle without my knowledge. The next day he had sent me a few links to check out for well paying careers. After checking out the sites and doing more research of my own I found that coding sounded like it would be a fun career to pursue and paid very well. So in that I came across the UNC Charlottes Coding Bootcamp, and I came in knowing absoluetly nothing about coding and basic computer skills. So far it has been a very stressful but fulling journey. I'm catching on more and more everyday.

When I am not doing school work or practing my skills I am spending time with my family.

I helped bounce around ideas to the group and assited in the design of the ajax call